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How to Choose the Right Water Heater for your Business

| Wednesday October 23, 2019

Choosing the right water heater for your business doesn’t seem like the most important task in a business owner’s mind. After all, there are other bigger decisions to make, errands to run, or papers to process. We get that. But, did you know that a small decision like finding the right water heater for your business could be beneficial?

Yes. Getting the right water heater can help you to reduce your operational expenses and energy consumption. In this article, we listed down a few things that can help you choose the right water heater for your business.

But, before we jump into choosing the type of water heater perfect for your business, you need to ask yourself first about which factor is your priority.

Is it reducing your expenses or saving space or are you just merely trying to minimize your carbon footprint?

It is also important to take your business’ infrastructure into consideration, especially if it can provide you the ample electrical support you’re going to need. Getting the answers to those questions will help you decide which type of water heater is more appropriate for your business. Now that you know your priority, it is time to read about the different types of water heater that you can choose from:

Types of Water Heater

Rheem water heater

Commercial Gas Water Heater — This type of water heater helps to heat water by combusting gases. These water heaters are great for commercial uses that have short peak demand periods like hotels, convention centers, and schools.

Heat Pump Water Heater — This type of water heater uses electricity to capture hot air from its immediate vicinity and use them to heat water, instead of directly generating heat. This specific type of water heater is best placed in hot areas with equipment like furnace or any commercial product that generates heat or hot air as a byproduct. Heat pumps can also work well in environments with warm climates, making them a range of products with a high Coefficient of Performance (COP) value.

Solar Water Heater System — It is another cost-effective way to generate hot water for your business by leveraging on free energy from the sun. You can choose between an Active Water Heating System, which has circulating pumps and control, or a Passive Water Heating System which doesn’t have circulating pumps and/o control but is typically less expensive.

Point of Use Water Heater — This type of water heater is energy efficient since it only heats water from the location it is being used. It is perfect for businesses with limited space with simple needs for hot water

Peak Demand

Peak Demand

Identify your peak demands to help you find water heating products or solutions that are suitable for your business. If you are running a big establishment like a hotel, commercial gas water heater or instant water heaters can be the solution to accommodate your guests’ needs for hot water.


Business water heater

You can also mix and match different types of water heater to get maximum operational costs and energy savings. For example, for your restaurant business, you may want to consider using a storage water heater for your kitchen since it has more demand for hot water. On the other hand, you may want to explore using a tankless water heater for your restrooms in your restaurant.

For more information on commercial water heating products and solutions. Check out Rheem Manufacturing Company’s various lines of water heaters. Rheem is currently the largest manufacturer of water heating products in North America, and its wide array of water heaters range from residential to commercial use in order to suit your personal and business needs!

Learn more: https://www.rheemphilippines.com/products/

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